CS Lewis : The curse of knowledge.

Today I’ve stumbled on a phrase that has refused to leave my mind! I understand the concept! CS Lewis called it ‘The curse of knowledge’. Basically, this alludes to experts being the worst teachers and relates to “them that can’t do, teach”. (Calm down Jacinta I will explain).

Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with teachers. So please Bilha and Imelda don’t refuse to buy me coffee because of this!

‘What do you mean ice?’ You might ask.

This is what I mean.

The more we know about a subject, the more we think about it in abstract terms. This is NOT a bad thing. The abstract allows you to compress vast knowledge into manageable pieces. This is where jargon and initials thrive. Abstract explanations and jargon are obstacles for beginners /learners. Beginners will need simple words.

Bringing this closer home:

When my small brother starts talking about systems, software, AI, you will need a translator despite him talking in English. He’s an IT guru, on the other hand, I am a technology lover. I find enjoy in interacting with tech and sharing my experience. No one will crucify me when I get my terms mixed up, why? I am no guru. I am learning with you. In contrast, I am into brand management. So I can easily get lost in talking about communication strategies, analytics, SEOs, Content marketing, etc.

Now the Curse of knowledge is : When we know something, we find it hard to imagine NOT knowing it. Our knowledge has cursed us! We find it tasking/difficult to share it with others because we can’t readily recreate their state of mind. That which we are experts in we can fall into the trap of treating it as common knowledge.

In comes a very interesting way of communication : STORY Telling!

Most human beings love a good story. One that is relatable, funny, witty, etc. This is why we love spending time with our grandparents. Their stories NEVER end. And more often than not, the stories are based on real life events. Making them very relatable. Also the reason why we are hooked to Mkurugenzi is because he tells us stories. If he was a History teacher, we’d all be A students!

All these to say : – If you have a company, business, brand – I strongly suggest you get someone ( Shameless Plug #TrioG Communication) to tell your brand story. We use words, audio and visual to tell brand stories.

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