Get Noticed – Is your brand game on Fleek?

TrioG brand identity

Branding yourself /company/business in the social media that you get noticed.

Is your marketing and branding confusing? Could you be losing out on customers/business because they cannot figure out what your business/brand is about? Is your brand messaging precise? Having a clear brand will not only compliment your marketing activities, it will also help in the bottom line.

Last week we went through having a brand building strategy. Having a great strategy is important, however before you can get to the strategy, have a brand that stands out is fundamental.

Here are some questions you will do good to answer when establishing your brand. These questions will help you clarify your messaging hence clarifying your brand.

Who is your target audience?

No! Everybody cannot be your target audience. That is basically shooting in the dark. If you do not have your consumer profile locked down, even your best marketing strategy will be a fluke at best. Not having a target audience, goes to show how a brand or business is impersonal and aloof. No one wants to relate to a brand that comes off as snobbish.

What is your value proposition?

What this means what value are you adding or what problem are you solving. What is your (why)? Why would your customer pick your service / product over your competitors? If you are a content creator, on YouTube, for instance, when would you be posting videos? What will the videos be about? Are some of the questions you would ask yourself.

Who are you?

What are your values? Are you honest in your dealings? Do you keep your promise? These questions will guide you as you are building your brand strategy and get your brand noticed online. After you have identified your niche, found your area of expertise and established who you are, then comes the actual work :- Brand differentiation.

Brand differentiation is the means in which a brand sets itself apart so as to stand out from its competitors. Some few tips on how you can increase your brand visibility are :-

  1. Collaboration with other brands that compliment your brand. Brands that realize the importance of brand collaboration and the impact it has on their bottom line go on to increase their brand equity. For instance Louis Vuitton had a collaboration with Supreme in 2017 to create a summer collection. This was not a big brand doing a small brand a favor, Nope. These were 2 big wigs coming together and creating something appeals to their consumers. This was one strategic move
  2. Ensuring your clients can easily recognize your brand. People buy from brand they recognize. This is where social media comes in. You are able to put your brand in front of your target audience faster and easier.
  3. Use story telling as a marketing tool. Story telling is an essential part of advertising. With story telling you are able to create emotions in your target groups which gives your customers a sense of enjoyment.

These are some brand building tips that can help you scale up your visibility, or increase traffic to your channel if you are a content creator.






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