Growing your brand as a content creator.

Growing your brand as a content creator.

Branding is the continuous process of connecting yourself, your company name, your business name to a specific service or product. Having a brand building strategy compliments the marketing strategy and helps in the bottom-line.

With communication consistency, keeping your promise, and brand visibility consumers slowly gain trust in your brand and eventually associate your brand with the industry you are in. It is then that you can consider your brand as a super brand. A brand is more than the visuals, it is the intentional sum total of all your business activities. It comprises of your business name, your logo, the tone you use to communicate your products, your values, your vision and mission, it is the entire promise. As a Small or Medium enterprise working on your brand feel / unique brand identity gives you and edge. It singles you out from the pack and establishes you as an authority in your field.

Conceptualization process of a brand.

As a business owner, the reason you started your business (I presume) is to meet a certain need. You saw a gap and took it upon yourself to fill it up. Now that you have figured out what solution you are offering, the next step is to associate that solution with your business. This becomes your promise (your brand) that which you as an individual, company or a business vow to deliver. The promise is then expressed visually through your business name, your logo, merchandise, etc.

Branding however sometimes translated to the visuals of a company or business, this is not entirely true. The visuals are an important part of the branding process, but not branding in its entirety. However, it is very important to remember that visibility makes you memorable, and lack thereof can result to the opposite. With this in mind, the next question would be, is it important to brand my startup?

Why startups need branding.

As startup is like getting a blank canvas for an artist. The possibilities are limited by his / her creativity. In the era of digital marketing, the social sites provide a pulley in the uphill task of branding a startup. As you get into your industry, you want to be associated with the solution you are offering. Branding for startups ought to go hand in hand with their marketing strategy.

How to brand startups or a content creator.

Start where you are.

Seeing that branding is a process, beginning the process can be very daunting. Breaking down the process into smaller tasks might take the pressure off. For instance, if you are about to start your branding journey as a content creator, I would suggest you start from where you are. Use the readily available resources you have at your disposal and grow your business (brand). Use the free social sites to connect and build a followership / community / etc.

Be authentic.

Be as authentic as you can in your content. As mentioned here (insert link ) consumer are able to discern genuine content. Authentic content is timeless and creates a environ for interaction. As a content creator, one of your top objectives is to create content that is relatable and interactive.

Be patient with yourself.

Another nugget to take in as you are getting ready to kick off your branding journey is: – it takes time. Most good things do. You will not likely start your journey today and get to be a super brand overnight. The journey you are on is unique to you, there are many other content creators, but there is only one You.

Listen for feedback.

As you make your content, ensure you keep your ears on the ground and listen to feedback. Pay attention to what other creators in your industry are talking about, listen to what your audience is saying, offer relevant and current information to your audience.\”


Be kind to yourself and your team during this process, and do not forget that each step counts.


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